Dental Assisting Quick Facts
*Statistics provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Dental Assisting Colleges

In less than 2 years, the Dental Assisting program will provide education for students to develop the skills, technical knowledge and clinical experience necessary to work in a professional, ethical and collaborative manner. You will be trained in radiographic and administrative process as well as hands-on clinical education. As a dental assistant you be qualified to set-up equipment, prepare patients for treatment, chairside assisting, handling of instruments, cleaning and sterilizing of the instruments, taking x-rays and impressions, as well as gain the knowledge and expertise to create and keep records.

Once you complete your dental assisting program, some other areas you will be qualified to work for are dental supply manufacturers, hospital dental departments, general dentist assistant, pediatrics dental assistant, oral pathologists assistant, dental personnel for an insurance company, oral and maxillofacial surgeons and many more.

In today’s workforce, dental assistants just out of school median income is approximately $35,000. By 2022 opportunities in the dental assisting field will increase approximately 22%.

Don’t wait any longer. This is a wonderful career path to take. Let assist you in finding the right college to successfully launch your career. Enroll in dental assisting today.