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Advantages of going into a University

Advantages of going into a University

Learn the pros and cons

We all know that getting a degree from a college is the best way you can go through life and have that total advantage for your future. However, with the advent of technology and today’s practical attitude, many people are thinking otherwise. Some people just decide to take online degrees since it’s more manageable. Some decide to just take short courses and only get the technical knowledge needed to get them started in the workforce. Others choose to go to small colleges where they can get a four-year degree at a more affordable price. In the end, only you can decide if the degree from a college is the right path for you. But we can strongly say that indeed, a college degree is really advantageous. If you are unsure of your choices, below are some points to consider when choosing a college or university.

Housing – A distinct advantage to universities over smaller schools is the housing. You don’t need to look for a dorm and pay for it. Many universities offer housing opportunities for their students. Many of these housing opportunities include meal plans as well. Universities have fraternity housing, organization housing and in special cases housing for those students who already have families.

Diversity – Another key advantage of universities to colleges is the diversity. Since universities are larger than any other type of schools, you will find students from all types of backgrounds there. You will find students of different races, religions, cultures, and nations on the university level, far more than anything else. The diverse atmosphere that universities present will help you blend in with different types of people later in your life.

History – Something that is often lacking at the college level or other schools is the rich history that universities have. Most universities are really old with tradition and you will get the opportunity to experience art, music, theater, and other wonderful experiences that universities pride themselves in offering to their students. There is nothing quite like the cultural history offerings of most large universities.

Research – Universities offer opportunities for students to participate in research projects supervised by professors. This is something that only a few colleges offer. A student can get the opportunity to travel to another country free of charge if they prove their self-worthiness and express interest. Science students can also pursue further research on theory, ideas and even the government can support their studies if seen beneficial. You will find that the experience of working on a large-scale research project is unlike anything you are likely to experience again if you ever get the chance.

Confidence – Choosing to have a degree from a university can boost a student’s confidence personally and professionally. This is something that really can’t be achieved at other types of schools.

More Financial Opportunities – Last but definitely not the least is the future earning potential. Four year degree trumps a two year degree every time and when you are from a very well-known university, then the chances of your salary being higher will be greater. There could be exceptional circumstances for someone with a two-year degree to earn more but the majority don’t. Having a university degree would give you an advantage on earning more and improve your odds to land managerial positions sooner than expected.

These are some benefits of attending a university, but a college degree will always advance your career. Consider all your options when you are making your decision for your education needs.

By |6:25 pm|Categories: College Articles||0 Comments

Be your own technician and earn money

Be Your Own Technician and Earn Money

Earn extra money with these tips

It’s no secret that every day the world becomes more and more dependent on computers. From handling financial records to communicating with others; we practically use computers in everything. So if a computer crashes, chaos seems to emerge. Luckily, there are the computer saviors – the technicians.

If your computer needs to be repaired, then you should call a technician immediately. You have the options to consult a freelance technician or bring it to a big computer manufacturing company because they have their own technicians on call. Or better, if you are kind of techy and feel like you have the ability, then why not do it yourself and be your own technician! It may be time to stop paying others every time something goes wrong with your computer and start earning extra income whenever other ask you to fix their computers.

Being a technician is one of the most in demand opportunities with computers today. One should be knowledgeable on fixing, upgrading, installing and configuring computer related concerns. Taking technician courses or programs would definitely give you an advantage. One can enroll in a college and even take classes online. You may also actively join workshops and training programs – some even free – provided by some technician groups and computer enthusiasts.

Since there are so many brands of computers available in the market today, a great technician is one that knows about the troubleshooting of each brand, as their respective hardware and software differ from one another. Some of the popular brands include IBM, HP, Compaq, Dell, Apple etc. In addition, a good technician must be aware of the different operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, Linux, etc. and they must also know how to work on different computer peripherals such as printers, scanners and fax machines. Besides the physical factor of a computer, a technician should also be well versed when it comes to the internet world. He/she must know how to network and make a LAN connection or setup a sophisticated website. A great technician should also be well-informed about web hosting and the different services it may have. And since no web host can be completely safe from virus threats or technical failures, then he/she should also be knowledgeable on how to manage or fix these kinds of issues. Being a technician, it is a must that you fully understand what web hosting functions are all about so you will be able to handle any inquiries or complaints of your clients in a prompt and professional manor.

Here are some common troubleshoots that you may encounter from clients and customers:

  • Power Supply Failure
  • Motherboard Troubleshooting
  • Hard Drive Failure
  • CD and DVD Drive Troubleshooting
  • Modem Failure
  • Sound and Game Card Failure
  • Peripheral Failure
  • Virus Threats
  • Setting up/Choosing Web Host

The very first step a technician should do is to vigilantly check and completely diagnose the problem of the computer you are trying to repair. Then follow the basic computer repairing rules once you are able to detect the problem. Update the software, do virus cleaning and modification as well to prevent the computer from occurring further problems. Besides from the technological knowledge, a good technician must also have patience with his work. This type of career requires a lot of your time and devotion. You must always maintain a positive attitude and constantly be improving your knowledge about the latest trend in technology.

By |6:36 pm|Categories: College Articles||0 Comments

College Pickup Lines

College Pickup Lines

Learn popular pickup lines

No matter where you graduate from or where you study, it is very likely that sometime during your college endeavor, a potential boyfriend/girlfriend, suitor or date will give you his/her most seductive smile and ask, “So, what’s your major?” And after finding out about your college major, maybe this young eager beaver co-ed tried his/her luck by impressing you with their familiarity with your field by adding a pickup line.

We have come up with a list of pickup lines for a few college majors. If somebody tries to use one of these on you, you should run fast in the opposite direction or laugh out loud. It really depends on your sense of humor.

  • Art majors: So you’re an art major… I can let you draw me naked anytime.
  • Biological Science majors: I love studying anatomy… especially yours.
  • Computer Science majors: I would love to examine your back end.
  • English majors: Are you into John Donne’s written works? Why don’t I help you study by getting metaphysical together?
  • Finance majors: You are looking to be the next hot commodity. I would love to take you home and do a deep study of your major assets on my spreadsheets.
  • Geology majors: How would you like to go on an expedition to explore the wonders of my world?
  • History majors: We have history together.
  • Library Science majors: You can come over anytime and catalogue my library.
  • Math majors: Do you mind if I do a rough estimate of the slope of your curves?
  • Music majors: They tell me I have a high level of expertise in playing the organ.
  • Physics major: Is that a radioactive dress? Because there sure is a lot of fallout.
  • Sociology majors: Do you want to do something taboo and just pretend it’s the norm?
  • Theater majors: I was just cast as Don Juan DeMarco in an upcoming play. Mind if you help me do a little research on his character?


By |6:51 pm|Categories: College Articles||0 Comments

How Important is Education?

How Important is Education?

Should we always seek Education?

It’s quite a mystery why some people would still ask about the importance of education. Well, look around you. Everything you see is because of education. Education has the power to make the world a better place and we are what we are because of education. But just to remind us how important education really is, this article will enumerate some of education’s benefits. Read on and learn why girls and boys who learn to read and write can change the world.

Open Windows to Career Opportunities

Education equips us with the expertise that we need in order to start a career. No matter what career you would like to pursue, education and how well you apply what you have learned will play a major part to make you stand out from the rest so you can achieve that career opportunity and succeed.

Mold us Into a Better Person

In college, it’s not just academic subjects that we learn. We also learn values and virtues that would mold us into a better person. We learn important characteristics that a person should have such as leadership and ability to get along with others. Education cultivates us into mature individuals and helps us make the right decisions. It won’t be wrong to say that good education makes us more human.

Enlighten us

As a human, it is our nature to be curious and always ask questions. Education helps us find answers to those questions and lead us to enlightenment. Education also wipes out wrong beliefs from our minds and helps us get a clearer picture. A simple example would be the years when we used to believe in Santa Claus? When we grow up we learn that there is no such thing and it is only our parents.

The Key to a Strong Nation

Education is one of the most important investments in our country. Education results in raising income, improving health, good government and reducing poverty. Also in today’s competitive world, nations are fighting to be on top of the intelligence pyramid. Take Apple and Samsung for example. We all know that Apple signs all of its products in the United States while manufacturing is done in many countries around the word. These countries are fighting every day to be the leader in the technology industry thus increasing their nation’s economy.

Now we know how important education is. But why are there more and more people saying that taking classes and going to college is now unimportant to succeed? They say that in today’s business world experience is what counts. With that I say education is more than reading, writing, and arithmetic. You can seek education even without going to universities (although it is highly recommended). Experience itself can be your teacher and experiencing something is one way a person can seek education. We should always seek education no matter what our status in life is and whatever our age is.  Here are some more ways on how we could seek education:

  • Read and Write. Reading and writing sharpens your minds. So do both whenever you have time.
  • Take free or inexpensive courses in different subjects that interest you.
  • Recruit or find mentors that you may seek guidance from every time you need it.
  • Develop hands-on skills such as cooking or automotive repairs.
  • Traveling to another country can give you an incredible learning experience. If you don’t have a budget for this then you should volunteer yourself to immersions.
  • Meet new people and enter different communities and local events. The experience you will get in meeting new people will be so worth it.

By |6:41 pm|Categories: College Articles||0 Comments

Learn the Best Place to Exercise your Brain!

Learn the Best Place to Exercise your Brain!

Learn some great learning tools

The internet is filled with thousands of free online games, which is played by all people around the globe. Whether you’re young or old, a professional or a student, all of us enjoy the multitude of online games available on the internet. There are action games, puzzle games, role playing, simulation, sports and much more. There’s one for every type of person.

If you will invest some of your free time to explore the online games world you will soon realize how advantageous it may be for you. Playing online games is not just a good pastime but it is also a way to improve concentration, memory and intelligence as well. So stop for a while and take a rest from working. Introducing Online brain games! They are not just fun and enjoyable but also educational. If you want to get some educational games, the following are two of the best websites that provide online games for you to advance your mind! develops games that are particular to enhancing mind execution and productivity. First you need to register, and then decide on which perspective of your brain you want to work on the most. offers online games that will help you work on and enhance five basic aspects of your existence: language, memory, speed, concentration and calculus.

With this almost free site you will enjoy free training and some games that will catch your concentration. You will also have access to a free module that will reveal to you your stats and will offer you a lot more sessions. What’s exciting is there is a small clock that will really put you on the edge to win the game. If you want more, you may also opt for a premium subscription for $4.99 per month where you will access special training, advanced stats, and more. Another feature is you will be awarded stickers for every level you pass. Lastly, you will follow people and compare your scores, stickers, and stats with them which should challenge you more to win the game. is another famous site that will help you work on your cognitive skills, which includes boosting your memory, attention, speed, flexibility and problem solving skills. With so many brain games available on, you may choose between the different sides of your brain that you wish to develop. Also, there are excellent games that should enhance your concentration abilities and increase your analysis timing.  Check your training history as well as brain profile for improvements. You may evaluate and compare scores with others as well. With hundreds of original mind games, puzzles and other brain exercises, you surely won’t get tired of challenging yourself. Also you may challenge yourself with the different brain fitness programs that are both fun and stimulating. With brain training, you will absolutely help your mind process more efficient, effective and much faster.

By |6:45 pm|Categories: College Articles||0 Comments

Maximize the Use of Internet for Higher Education

Maximize the Use of Internet for Higher Education

Discover more from the internet

Millions of people are getting inspired by a new era of online education, but the question of whether using internet technology in education is good or bad is still uncertain. Many believe that using internet and other technology allows for a much better learning environment. Let’s expound on this further..

First, the internet has made it easier for students to do research for their school work. The amount of resources the internet makes available is really huge as compared to visiting libraries or any other learning facilities. Moreover, not only does the Internet expand the amount of resources available to the user, but it also makes the process of acquiring materials much quicker than traditional methods – Encyclopedia anyone? If we are searching for something, we can easily find it by just typing the keyword or phrase on the search engine. You do not need to travel and visit the library. You may do your research conveniently and find full information on just about anything with just a few keystrokes. What’s more you will even get relevant information in video or audio forms that can help you understand what you are searching about deeper and a lot easier.

Second, utilizing the internet in a classroom motivates students to be more creative and imaginative. It encourages them to think out of the box, as it presents the typical dull lecture in a much more interesting and innovative manner. The students appreciate the activities and project based learning more when it is integrated by different technologies such as the internet and computers.

Third, the internet gives students the opportunity to develop their computer skills and allow them to be updated on the latest news for a particular subject they are studying. It can help them connect what they are learning to the real world.

Moreover, students who can’t afford to study in their dream college can now make their dreams come true thanks to the advanced improvements of websites. Yes! Many universities and colleges have opened up their educational services through the use of internet websites that allow students to enroll online in any graduate or degree program. People from all over the world can be part of an online class together, studying for their degrees to get their diplomas through online education. This gives students the opportunity to study at their own convenient time and place, and help diminish the education burden that many students have.

Online class programs are equipped with libraries which include extensive academic information and articles which are easily accessible to the students. It provides online references that will help students in their projects, homework, thesis, etc. Also, this type of learning allows each student to communicate with one another and seek help from each other through chat, text messages, or email, without any constraint in distance between them. Lastly, these online classes give students the chance to interact with different kinds of people all around the world and to meet new friends while being able to achieve academic excellence.

While the Internet does a lot for students, there are also benefits for teachers. Teachers would have the chance to create different teaching styles in the classroom which has been proven a great factor in student achievement. They would not need to spend as much time on administration and record keeping. And lastly, teachers have the chance to be able to teach at more than one place simultaneously using VOIP. This is especially true if the school has wireless internet where students can even view the teachers wherever they are through their wireless devices.

With all these factors, we can definitely say that Internet in education should not be refused. Every student should have access to the Internet for much deeper understanding and knowledge of a certain subject.


By |6:54 pm|Categories: College Articles||0 Comments

Significance of Earning a College Degree

Significance of Earning a College Degree

Advantages of Earning a Degree

Education is the greatest investment for the future. Indeed it is! That is why you should pursue your studies in college because when it comes to benefits, a degree earner has a greater chance of having a better career than a high school graduate. As you can see earning a college degree is an investment, time consuming, stressful, and it needs a lot of effort. The positive changes it brings to the individuals, families, and communities are priceless.

Unlike the 20th century, employers today require new workers to earn minimally an associate degree before applying for a position with their company. Since companies today possess specific skills to be performed, detailed tasks and interaction with the clients/costumers, degree earners are in higher demand for today’s workforce. Therefore, if you want to secure a good career in the future, earning a degree is the best answer to get you started. Here are some reasons why you should pursue your studies in college:

  1. Degree earners are good communicators. Communication skills are one of the most valued benefits of a degree earner. Degree earners are proven to be good in communication both verbal and written. Therefore, they are able to express their ideas in a clear, fluent and convincing manner. Possessing such skill provides a better chance of being hired when applying and even being promoted in your position when you’re already in the field. Plus, it even strengthens the relationship between you, your family and colleagues.
  1. Degree earners are critical thinkers. In college, individuals are not just equipped with knowledge alone because during this time their critical thinking and decision making skills are enhanced as well. The fact that college professors and instructors provide activities wherein one’s thinking ability is constantly utilized. This makes the degree earner a critical thinker, that they are able to make excellent decisions and choices throughout their lives. By the use of such skill, an individual can resolve complex issues by analyzing the root of the problem and applying different methodologies and strategies that are relevant enough to solve the problem.
  1. Degree earners have more job opportunities.
  1. Degree earners are higher paid.
  1. Degree earners have a greater chance of having a stable career.
  1. Degree earners are proven to be much more satisfied with their careers in life.
  1. Degree earners are capable of being promoted.
  1. Degree earners work in the field and industry that interest them.
  1. Degree earners enjoy many working benefits such as: • Health care insurance • Savings account • Better retirement matching • Tuition reimbursement • Free childcare • Reimbursement for travel and commuting
  1. Degree earners are well experienced. It would be much more effective if the concepts, methods, strategies, and theories discussed in the four corners of the classroom are observed and actualized by the students in the field. That’s why many colleges and universities require their students to be in the field for at least one semester before graduating. So even if you’re a fresh graduate you’ve already been considered as having work experience.

By |7:05 pm|Categories: College Articles||0 Comments

Tips for Writing School Essays for Admissions

Tips for Writing School Essays for Admissions

Learn the top 10 tips

For some colleges and universities, there are requirements one must complete in order to be accepted. Some of the requirements are a certain grade average, good moral standing, passing an entrance exam, and of course school essays as part of the admissions process. School admission essays are a very important part of your journey to attend college. It is an indication that colleges and universities place extra attention on your ability to communicate your ideas, your initiative and vision. It is also your chance to showcase your talent and your credibility. This means that you should put some serious thought in writing your school admission essays.

In order to help you with that, here are some pointers you should remember.

Tip #1: If you are confused on what to write about, then remember that what you will write will depend on the course or program you will be applying for. Explain why you chose that program, cite some of your past works and experiences that are related to the program. You may even write about key changes in your life that made you decide to pursue that particular career path.

Tip #2: You might find it difficult to begin writing the very first sentence of your school admission essay. We totally get it. The intro is the most important part of the essay. This will determine if the admission’s team will read the rest of your essay or not. The technique here is to make a draft of your essay and then just choose or write the final intro afterwards.

Tip #3: Always keep your focus on the theme of your essay, as it is easy to be carried away. If you get carried away, readers may feel that you are beating around the bush. If it’s cohesive and well written, you will be viewed as an organized individual who is capable of presenting his/her ideas in a format that people will like and understand. So mention something only if it is beneficial or related to your essay.

Tip #4: Don’t try to overwhelm people by flooding your essay with deep English words. Use common English in the right way and it will sound great.

Tip #5: Use active verbs to imply action and initiative.

Tip #6: This is post-collegiate level you’re pursuing. Make sure you write as such. Watch for any spelling, grammar and typo errors. Take note of the techniques of language.

Tip #7: Do not bore your readers and be clear and concise so the letter is easily understood. Remember that there are thousands of students applying for your same position. This means that your essay needs to stand out from the rest or your readers will not remember you.

Tip #8: If you have weakness don’t put it in your essay. However, some people love to put their weaknesses in their essay as this is what makes them human. So, if you decide to put in your weaknesses, then just don’t highlight them. Instead, address them and tell your readers what you have done to improve yourself to battle some of the issues you have.

Tip #9: Let someone else read your essay and listen to the advice that they give. Family, friends, knowledgeable third parties, guidance counselors would be great too.

Tip #10: Be ready to revise your essay according to their advice. Edit, re-write and if necessary, re-write it once more until you come up with an essay that puts your personality, educational background and experience in the best light possible.

By |7:11 pm|Categories: College Articles||0 Comments

Will Online Programs Replace The Brick and Mortar Education?

Will Online Programs Replace The Brick and Mortar Education?

The Good and Bad of Online Education

Online courses are here to stay, we can’t deny that. But re-creating the experience of a traditional classroom in a virtual environment is really a tricky feat. So do you really think that the advancement of online programs can replace the brick and mortal school? Let’s weigh the good and the bad:

The Good

Choosing online classes means learning from your own convenient environment. You may even review your classwork when you are on the go by using wireless internet. It is really convenient for those who need to make money but want to learn so they can take their classes wherever they are. And yes there are still deadlines for homework assignments and projects; the time you take to complete each project or lesson is not really a big issue. In fact, some online classes don’t have any form of lecture.

The Bad

There are limited interactions in an online class, unlike in a traditional lecture where every class offers a lot of room for discussion and various perspectives on the same issues.

The Good

Virtual classroom means less physical appearance. If you have something to say with a particular matter, you don’t have to raise your hand and speak in front of the entire class. Instead, you can simply post a comment or a question online. You may also specify who can view your posted comment or who may answer your question: whether you want your professor to view it or just your classmates.

The Bad

When you are facing technical difficulties you can’t do anything else.  Imagine you are in the middle of your online test then it suddenly closes because your internet connection was interrupted? Terrible! How about you submit your homework assignment and your professor can’t view it because it is not compatible with Firefox or Safari. Those issues can really be very stressful; though it can happen in physical classrooms as well.

The Good

Everything is possible with the internet. There are huge resources of information always available online. If you lose your syllabus you can download it from your class blackboard or if you forget your professor’s lecture from the previous week, you may watch the video again and again at any time. All these features might not be available in a traditional classroom.

Obviously, there are benefits and disadvantages of attending an online class. And we might not be able to determine whether it can replace the brick and mortar schools but what is important right now is that there are more ways of learning due to online education.


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